Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Update on our garage project!

Ryan got on my case last night about not posting any updates on our garage project.
I've been avoiding posting anything about it because there were SO many photos to go through and to put in order.
But I gave in and finally got an update together.

This is around June 2nd. After clearing out the dirt and hillside behind our house, Ryan and his dad built the form for the back retaining wall.

Another view of the concrete form.

The morning of June 3rd all ready for concrete.

The pump truck arrived and got all set up.

Concrete truck arrived shortly after.

The form all filled up. After it hardened, all the boards were pulled off.

My sweet husband had the awesome idea of writing in the concrete. This will actually be visible in the shop. I love him and his cute ideas. :)

The posts getting ready for beams to go up. Around June 6th.

The beams getting cut to the correct size.

The trusses arrived.

Lifting the trusses onto the beams.

This was the interesting part. We had a shed which was right in the middle of the future garage. Instead of tearing it down, Ryan decided to pay the truss delivery guy to pick it up and lift it OVER our house and to the other side. It was pretty sketchy.

It would have been a disaster if it had fallen.

Just about into place in our back/side yard.

Ryan and his dad getting the trusses set up.

Ryan working with the excavator to get rid of the large pile of dirt. I was so glad to see that pile gone.

I missed a couple steps and photos. The roof went on shortly after the trusses were put up. They tore most of the existing driveway out. Ryan and his dad cleared some more area and built another concrete form (upper right corner of above photo) and poured that along with the walkway to the front door on July 15th.

This is where we are at currently. I took this photo and the ones below last night. The wood panels have all been pulled off the new retaining wall to the right.

View from the street above.

The retaining wall and another parking spot.

Action shot of Ryan grading the gravel.

Our exciting concrete wall. :)

View from "inside" the garage.

Our new walkway.

And finally, Ryan being silly and riding our in-floor heating tubing that came yesterday.

We still have a long way to go, but it's getting closer to being done. I can't wait. :)

Play along at Take It From Me.


Anonymous said...

New Follower from Welcome Wednesday. I hope you can stop in and see me at

rite said...

looks like a lot of work! good luck!

happy welcome wed! Im your newest follower ;0)


Vivianne's Vista said...

Looks like a lot of work! Don't you love having a handy husband? Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm happy to return the follow! Hope to see you at Vivianne's Vista.

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

Hi, I'm the newest follower from Welcome Wednesday. I look forward to reading your posts.
Hope you have a great day

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