Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What I'm loving Wednesday!

Here's what I'm loving right now:

I'm loving that my first tank of diesel in the Marshmallow averaged 40mpg! How awesome is that?

I'm loving that I've already started my Christmas shopping. I'd say I'm about 1/3 of the way done! :D

I'm loving this photo of Torkie that one of my friends made. It's one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

I'm loving that I was able to do 35 pull-ups with NO assistance last night. That's a new personal record for me. So exciting.


Jeska said...

Oh I need to start Christmas shopping!!

Kit said...

I have done zero christmas shopping....I need to get on that :)

Anonymous said...

Torkie is so cute!!! I just got my best laugh of the day seeing him like that :)

Jenny DB said...

Way to go on those pull ups girl, are you doing Crossfit??? So 35 total or in a row? In a row would be SOOOooo freaking badass!!! Also, love that pup picture. It's perfect for MOVEMBER.

Jamie said...

Thanks for playing along!

40 mpg is great!