1. What Christmas song do you loathe?
I HATE the "Last Christmas I gave you my heart" song. Ugh. It annoys me so much.
2. Do you and your significant other cuddle at night or sleep on opposite sides of the bed?
A little of both. We usually start close and then end up apart, but the in the mornings end up cuddling again. Sometimes he breaths loud so I have to turn away. I'm a near silent breather most of the time.
3. Have you ever had surgery?
I had stitches on my eyebrow area from cutting it open when I was about 5 or 6 and then had a biopsy for a mole on my leg which also had stitches, but that's all. I've been lucky.
4. When do you typically have your holiday shopping done?
I would LIKE to have it done weeks before Christmas. I have some done now, but some people(cough mom, Ryan cough) don't give me ideas right away so I have to wait till I get some. Plus, on my side of the family, we draw names on thanksgiving to buy a gift for another person, so I can't get that done right away either.
5. If money were not an issue (and you HAD to pick something), what would your ultimate luxury item be?
I'd buy some amazing shoes/boots. I LOVE shoes but I really can't justify them very often. Other options: car stuff-stereo, suspension, other goodies; photography gear.