Tuesday, December 28, 2010


That's really just how I've been feeling lately.
I've been sick for about 20 days. I've had a cold that I just can't shake, though this morning I think I'm almost all the way done being sick.
I've been to the gym once in the last 16 days and it's making me depressed and anxious. I also feel that I've lost a lot of the progress I've made.

I think that my crappy health combined with everything else has made me lose interest in blogging temporarily.
I know I'll get back to it soon, but for now I haven't had a lot to say. Or much inspiration for that matter.
Christmas was good at least. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

I'll be back in the swing of things soon.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Oooohhhhh Christmas treeeeeeeee!

